Persons / Trezzini, Domenico

Trezzini, Domenico


Mentioned in articles:

Bolshoye Zarechye, village (Volosovo District)
BOLSHOYE ZARECHYE, before 1943 a village in Volosovo District. It was located on the right bank of the Oredezh River on the Vyra-Kikerino Highway. It was mentioned in the 1499/1500 scribe roll as the center of a Novgorod pogost. Population: Russians... more

Trezzini, Dominiko (ca. 1670-1734), an architect
Dominiko Trezzini (ca. 1670-1734), an architect. He was of Switzerland origin. He arrived into Russia in 1703. The stone Peter and Paul Fortress, SS Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Summer Palace of Peter I in the Summer Garden were built and... more