Bibliography / Сковпнев С. Три лица «Приората». Гатчина. 2001

Сковпнев С. Три лица «Приората». Гатчина. 2001

Subject / Architecture/Palaces

Mentioned in articles:

"Priorat", an information and local historic bulletin
"Priorat", an information and local historic bulletin of Gatchina Town and the district branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of History and Culture Monuments (VOOPIiK). From 1986 to 1990 the bulletin was published as a topic page in... more

Priorate Palace, the
The Priorate Palace (the town of Gatchina, the Priorate Park) is the unique rammed-earth construction in sham Gothic style (1797-99, the architect N.A. Lvov), it is inseparably linked with the landscape of Black Lake and the Priorate Park. The... more