Articles / Reference and statistic editions of the Leningrad Oblast (St. Petersburg Gubernia) and St. Petersburg eparchy.

Reference and statistic editions of the Leningrad Oblast (St. Petersburg Gubernia) and St. Petersburg eparchy.

Subject / Local studies/Local history editions

Reference and statistic editions of the Leningrad Oblast (St. Petersburg Gubernia) and St. Petersburg eparchy. The gubernia and oblast. The first gubernia reference edition was "Opisaniye Sanktpeterburg. Gub. Po uyezdam I stanam" ("The Description of the St. Petersburg Gubernia according to Uyezds and Stans (districts)", 1838). I.I. Pushkarev's "Kratkoye istorichecko-statisticheskoye opisaniye Sankt-Peterburg. Gubernii" ("The Brief Historic and Statistic Description of the Sankt Peterburg Gubernia") was published in 1845. In the 1850s the gubernia gavernment published two lists of the gubernia officials. In 1856 the gubernia statistic committee published "Alfavitny spisok seleny po uyezdam I stanam S.-Peterb. Gub." ("The Alphabet List of Villages according to Uyezds and Districts") (the next similar edition was published in 1913). From 1861 till 1914 eighteen memorable books were published. They included an address - calendar, reference unit, statistic review, as wll as scientific articles. The edition of 1905 including the gubernia detailed geographic, statistic and historic description is of the special interest. Statistic reviews which were the print appendixes to the secret reports of governors began to be published regularly in the 1870s (35 reports were found: for 1879-1912 and 1914). During 1882-1896 the gubernia zemstvo piblished seventeen fascicles "Materials on Statistics of the St. Petersburg Gubernia National Economy" which included the data about peasants' and private farms in uyezds. "The Statistic Collections of St. Petersburg Gubernia" including the data about the state of agriculture and people education (42 fascicles, 1893-1913) was published during 1895-1915. After 1917 the publication of regional reference and statistic editions was resumed, however as distinct from the prior period, publications of them were not regular: "statistic Collection of Petrograd and the Petrograd Gubernia" (1922), the local historic reference "Leningrad and the Leningrad Gubernia" (1925), "The Statistic Reference of the Leningrad Oblast" (1928), "The Administrative and Economic Reference of the Leningrad Oblast Districts" (1936) and others. Untill World War II in single years the lists of telephone customers were published (for example: in 1931, 1934). The reference on the oblast administrative and territorial division was published in 1931 (later the edition was repeatedly published, including in 1966, 1973, 1990, 1997, 2002). During the past war period the statistic information about the Leningrad Oblast was published in current statistic reports which was published to a variable degree of regularity: "Leningrad and the Leningrad Oblast in figure" (1961, 1964), "The Development of the National Economy of Leningrad City and the Leningrad Oblast" (1960 - the 1970s), "The National Economy of Leningrad City and the Leningrad Oblast" (1970 - the 1980s), as well as in retrospective statistic collections: "The Leningrad Oblast for …[30, 50] years" (1948, 1967), "The National Economy of Leningrad and the Leningrad Oblast for … [60, 70] years" 1977, 1987). Some of these editions were restricted. From the early 1990s till the present days the state statistics agencies regularly publish St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast social and economic situation statistic reviews, each include the information for several monthes. The jubilee statistic collection "The Leningrad Oblast Is 75" was issued in 2002. The eparchy. "The Reference Index of the St. Petersburg Eparchy Cathedrals and Churches" (1867) was the earliest reference edition. "The Memorable Book on the St. Petersburg Eparchy" was published in 1899. The book "Memorable Notes about Churches and Parishes in Uyezd Towns and Villages of the Petrograd Eparchy" (the reference and statistic materials on Gdov, Luga, Novaya Ladoga, Peterhof uyezds; the edition was not completed) was published in 1915. "The Historic and Statistic Data about the St. Petersburg Eparchy" in 10 issues was published during 1869-1885. The detailed descriptions of 280 town and village churches located in uyezds (issues 8-10), as well as decriptions of the eparchy monasteries are set in this edition. In 1995 the St. Petersburg Mitropolitanate publishing house resumed publishing memorable books (editions were published on 1995 and 1998); "The Reference of St. Petersburg Eparchy" was published in 2001.

Razdorsky, Aleksey Igorevich

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