Articles / Leningrad Oblast coat of arms and flag, the

Leningrad Oblast coat of arms and flag, the

Subject / Heraldry

The Leningrad Oblast's coat of arms and flag are official approved with the Oblast’s law of the Leningrad Oblast “O flage i gerbe Leningradskoy oblasti” (About the Flag and Coat of Arms of the Leningrad Oblast) of 31 December 1998, No. 74-oz. The heraldic description of the coat of arms: “Within the azure field there is a silver anchor which is put crosswise. Above and crosswise the anchor there is a golden key with eye upwards. Within the dark red top of the shield there is a silver mure merlon wall.” The flag is rectangle sheet in the ratio of length to width 3:2. In the top part of the flag there is a white field that is occupied 2/3 of the flag’s width. Within the white field in the centre there is the coat of arms of the Leningrad Oblast. The width of the coat of arms is 2/9 from the length of the flag. In the bottom part of the flag there is a red stripe in the form of sharp-pointed waves along all length. Above the red stripe there is a blue stripe of the same form. These stripes are separated with a white wave stripe that is 1/60 from the width of the flag. The coat of arms was registered in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under the No. 435, and the flag was registered under the No. 436.

Tripolskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna

Борисов И.В., Козина Е.Н. Геральдика России. М., 2005., С. 170.
"Если ехать вам случится...". Визитные карточки городов Ленинградской области: Справочник-путеводитель. СПб., 2000, С. 12

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