Articles / Archives


Subject / Archives. Libraries.

Archival work in the oblast is in charge of Archival Committee of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad oblast, which is a subdivision of St Petersburg City Government and the Government of the Leningrad oblast.
The Committee was founded in 1923 as the Petrograd Province Archival Bureau, reorganized in 1932 into the Leningrad Oblast Archival Department, with the development of network of subordinate district and town Archives in the oblast starting in 1934. From 1938 through early 1960s they were subordinated to Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1962 they were reattached from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and divided between Archival Department of Lengorispolkom (Leningrad City Executive Committee) and Archival Department of Lenolispolkom (Leningrad Oblast Executive Committee). In 1969 Joint Archival Department of Leningrad Oblast Executive Committees was formed.
In 1991 Archival Department became part of St Petersburg City Council and Leningrad Oblast Administration (since 1994 - Leningrad Oblast Government), then in 2002 it was reorganized into Archival Committee. Along with archives of St Petersburg, it manages Leningrad Oblast State Archive in the town of Vyborg and 24 archival departments at different district and town municipal institutions of the Leningrad oblast. These were formed in early 1990s as a result of merging of district and town archives with joint interdepartmental Archives for documents on personnel (existing since 1972) and reorganization into Archival departments of administrations.
In the course of emerging of municipal institutions in mid- and late 1990s archival departments were given the status of municipal archives. Due to historic reasons most materials regarding the history of the Leningrad oblast are in the keeping of St Petersburg archives. Some documents dating back to the 18th - 20th cent. are in the keeping of archives of Novgorod and Petrozavodsk. Materials covering later periods are available in RGADA (Russian State Archive for Old Documents ) in Moscow. Central State Historical Archive (TSGIA) keeps the funds of St Petersburg province institutions (of government and police, municipal government, social class and zemstvo, judicial, financial, of credit and statistics, transport and communications, medical) for the period from the late 18th century to 1917. The funds of Petrograd Ecclesiastical Consistory, Petrograd Dioscean Council, as well as churches, cathedrals and monasteries contain the information on the history of religious and cultural processes (acts of inspection of churches, clergy and parish registers, confessional catalogues, correspondence regarding building and maintenance of churches and monasteries, etc.) The Central State Archive (TSGA SPb.) funds for local government institutions – province (oblast), town, district Soviet executive committees – contain materials on major stages of development of the Leningrad oblast in the Soviet period. Documents of North Oblast Commune Union, North Oblast Committees for Defense, Military divisions of Soviets, province and district military registration and enlistment offices contain information on the events of the Civil War (1918- 1920 (1922)). The events of the 1930s repressions are covered in the materials of committees on debarring from voting. Materials regarding economic development are contained in the funds of local economy management institutions (sovnarkhozs, Sevzapprombyuro, trusts, planning committees, financial and statictical institutions), industrial companies.Materials regarding housing construction, municipal management, preservation of monuments are contained in the funds of building companies and public facilities. Materials on religious processes in the Leningrad oblast are contained in the funds of Coincils of Commissaries for Affairs of Russian Orthodox Church and other confessions.
The period of the Great Patriotic War is covered in the materials of MP VO (Local Anti-Aircraft Defence), a range of committees (Committee on ascertainment of fact and investigation of crimes committed by Nazis and their associates, Evacuation committee and Committee on civilian duty). Central State Archive of Historical - political Documents (TSGAIPD SPb) is one of the major depositories for documents of a range of organizations, educational institutions, research and political education establishments of CPSU and Komsomol in the Leningrad oblast, as well as documents on the history of Civil War and Great Patriotic War. The Communist Party documents contain information not only on political history, but also on economy, on social, scientific and cultural processes in Petrogradskaya province (Leningrad oblast) for the period of the early 20th century to 1991, as well as materials on North-West province and Autonomous Republic of Karelia for the period of 1921 to 1927, and on the districts which in 1994 were split off from the Leningrad oblast to form the Novgorod oblast. Central State Archive of Technological and Scientific documentation (TSGANTD SPb) cotains design plans and specification, engineering, operation, research, cartographical and management documents on the development of heavy, fuel-producing, chemical, consumer goods and food industries, agriculture and forest management, water and soil improvement construction, geology and health care, as well as industrial plant construction projects, master plans of development of sea, river, railroad and road transport; projects of thermoelectric and hydroelectric power stations and hydraulic structures, and of reconstruction of sea and river ports.The funds of Leningrad Oblast Architectural Planning Administration contain minutes of architectural committees meetings and the meetings of Town-building council on the issues of planning, construction, allotment of land plots and creation of living environment in the towns and villages of the Leningrad oblast and renovation of architectural monuments. Master plans of administrative towns, projects of apartment, public buildings and office blocks and of renovation of architectural monuments can be found in the funds of Leningrad State Institute for Town Planning (Giprogor) and other developer inctitutes.Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documentation (TSGAKFFD SPb) contains materials that have accumulated in the process of work of a range of institutions, organizations and enterprises in the Leningrad oblast.The political aspect of history is represented by visual materials covering the events of the revolutions of 1905 – 1907 and 1917 , Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. Volume of documentary photographs relate to the construction and operation of railroads, canals, maintenance of transport and municipal assets. Photographic materials show everyday life of the aristocracy, bourgeoisie, clergy, officials, workers and peasants. The photoreports also include materials on the battle for Leningrad and the functioning of the “Road of Life”. Since 1945 in the Leningrad oblast ( 2 Yekaterinverdersky Prospekt, Gatchina Town) is also located Central Navy Archive of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation (TSVMA).

Ansberg, Olga Nikolayevna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town/Yekaterinverdsky Prospekt

Архивы России. Москва и Санкт-Петербург: Справочник-обозрение и библиогр. указ. М., 1997
Документы личного происхождения в архивных учреждениях Северо-Западного федерального округа Российской Федерации. СПб., 2002
Архивы Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области. URL:
Центральный государственный архив кинофотодокументов г. Ленинграда: Путеводитель / Сост.: А.С.Калениченко, Л.А.Процай, Л.Е.Стрельцова. Л., 1989
Центральный государственный архив историко-политических документов Санкт-Петербурга: Путеводитель / Сост. Т.С.Конюхова, Н.Б.Лебедева. М., 2000
Центральный государственный архив Санкт-Петербурга: Путеводитель: В 2 т. / Сост. Н.И.Деринг, М.Г.Ершова, Т.А.Зернова и др.; Отв. ред. Н.Ю.Черепнина. М., 2002.

Subject Index
Central Navy Archive, the
St. Petersburg State Film-Photo Documents Archive, the
St. Petersburg State Historical and Political Documents Archive, the
St. Petersburg State Scientific Documents Archive, the
St. Petersburg Central State Historic Archive, the
The Leningrad Oblast State Archive in Vyborg