Articles / Volkhov Central Town Library, the

Volkhov Central Town Library, the

Subject / Archives. Libraries./Libraries

VOLKHOV TOWN CENTRAL CHILDREN’S LIBRARY (Volkhov Town, 28A Lomonosova Street). Opened in October 1944, in 1957 the library was awarded the “Best Library in the RSFSR” diploma. It was one of the first to introduce open access for readers.
In 1970s the library also introduced the system of coordinated book acquisition and joint use of funds of the town’s trade union libraries. In 2000 it was merged in Cultural-and-Information Centre named after A. S. Pushkin, located in a purpose-built block. Besides the lending library and reading rooms it also houses a lecture hall, audio- and video resources centre, exhibit halls and museum-and-regional study complex. The three branches of the library located in different city districts are also affiliated with the Centre. The library’s general-purpose fund contains over 270,000 storage units, with annual subscription to over 100 periodical titles. The annual numbers of borrowings and visits are 228,000 items and 86,000 respectively. The library runs a reading club, a music-and-poetry salon “Stikhov I muzyki bozhestvennaya svyaz’” (The Sacred Alliance of Poetry and Music), and lecturing activities. In its exhibit halls you can see the works of artists and photographers of Volkhov Town.

Blyudova, Lyudmila Konstantinovna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Volkhov Town/Lomonosov Street

Никитина А.М. Книги, годы, жизнь / Ред. А. Батыцкий. – Волхов,2004.

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