Articles / Novaya Ladoga Town Library, the

Novaya Ladoga Town Library, the

Subject / Archives. Libraries./Libraries

THE NOVAYA LADOGA TOWN LIBRARY (38 Karl Marx Prospekt, Novaya Ladoga Town). Novaya Ladoga Public Library named after A. S. Pushkin, which opened in 1902 in the building of the town council, is considered as predecessor of this library. The catalog “Katalog knig i Pravila Novoladozhskoy obshestvennoy biblioteki” (The Catalog and Rules of Novaya Ladoga Town Public Library) was published in 1904. One of the first librarians here was M. I. Spirova. The present-day library was founded in 1946. Its general-purpose fund numbers around 58,000 items, with over 2,000 readers. Since 1948 the library has been located on the first floor of the house that belonged Novaya Ladoga merchant M. F. Kukin (built in 1899).

Blyudova, Lyudmila Konstantinovna

Kukin,Maksim Fyodorovich
Spirova, Maria Ivanovna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Novaya Ladoga Town/Karl Marx Prospekt

Морозова Н. Новоладожская общественная библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина: Поиски и находки // Библиотечное краеведение Ленинградской области. – СПб, 1996., С.44-47
Судьба библиотеки. Новоладожская городская библиотека: Из библиотечной истории края (Материалы по истории библиотек области. Вып. 2) / Сост. Л.К. Блюдова, Н.Ф. Морозова; Ленинградская областная библиотека. – СПб, 1997., С.44-47