Articles / Façade carving

Façade carving

Subject / Art/Art trades and crafts

FAÇADE CARVING. With the development of peasant woden architecture, woodcarving also developed. Carving was used for decoration of spouts under the roof. Carving (at first blind carving, in the end of the XIX c. – carving with holes) was also used for decoration of porches, pediments, balconies, homestead buildings. Planks, protecting triangular pediment from snow and rain, were made of 2-3 laid on carved planks: the lower pieces were often decorated with gemetrical patterns which consisted of semicircles or triangular teeth with round holes above them, the upper pieces were decorated with several round holes. Planks descending from the bottom of pediment ("polotentsa" ("Towels")) were decorated with patterns made of circles, rosettes, squares, diamonds. The most popular motifs of window case carving were circles and semicircles with beams, rectangles, diamonds, festoons. Carving on window cases was often covered with bright oil paints. Typical for nothern architecture houses decorated with carving can be found in Podporozhye District (Gimreka Village, Shileika Village, Vazhyni Urban Settlement). Veps patterns for house decoration repeated traditional embroidery patterns. The most part of carved window cases for houses in Ladva community (modern Podporozhye District; ref. LADVA) was made in 1920s by a carpenter Sergey Prokich and his sons Konstantin and Nikolay from Vologda Town. Porches with carved poles were typical for Veps houses in Korvalsky Village Soviet of Boksitogorsk District. In Vodi and Izhora villages of Yamburg Uyezd houses with roofs based on fir tree roots ("kuritsy" ("Hens")), with carved cornices under the roof and the windows with shutters decorated with blind carving and multicoloured painting, existed up to 1930s. In the area of Kotly Village masters carved upper and lower parts of window cases and painted them in 2-3 colours. Tikhvin Town was famous for woodcarvers. Wooden houses richly decorated with carving (window and door cases, pediments, balconies) still exist in Lampovo Village of Gatchina District.

Ryzhova, Irina Petrovna

Prokich, Konstantin Sergeyevich
Prokich, Nikolay Sergeyevich
Prokich, Sergey

Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Gimreka Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Lampovo Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Shcheleyki Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Vazhyni Urban Settlement
Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Yamburg Uyezd

Габе Р.М. Материалы по народному зодчеству западных финнов Ленинградского округа // Западнофинский сборник: Труды КИПС. Вып.16. Л., 1930
Малиновская З.П. Из материалов по этнографии вепсов //Западнофинский сборник: Труды КИПС. Вып.16. Л., 1930
Динцес Л., Большева К. Народные художественные ремесла Ленинградской области // Советская этнография. 1939. №2
Архитектурное наследие Ленинградской земли: Фотоальбом. – Л.: Лениздат, 1983. – 287 с.: ил.

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