Articles / KRIM ("Critical Mass"), Theatre - Studio

KRIM ("Critical Mass"), Theatre - Studio

Subject / Art/Music, theatre

KRIM (“Kriticheskaya Massa” (“Critical Mass”)), theatre-studio (61, Geroyev av., Sosnoviy Bor Town). It was founded in 1982 at the Club of the Leningrad nuclear power station, the leader and director of the theatre is Y.V. Ilyukhina . In 1991 the company acquired a status of a public theatre. From January 2006 the theatre works at the Centre of personal development “Garmoniya” (“Harmony”). The company numbers more than 25 actors aged from 16 to 70. They staged about 25 plays based on the works written by A.S. Pushkin, A.V. Vampilov, B.K. Arro, L.A. Filatov, etc. Many times the theatre became a prize winner of the Leningrad Oblast festival “Teatralnaya Vesna” (“Theatre Spring”), including a prize for the best play in 2000 for a performance based on P. Besson’s play “Dialog Zhivotnykh” (“Animals’ Dialogue”), in 2006 – a prize “Za Original’nost Plasticheskikh Resheniy” (“For the Most Special Plastique ”) for a performance based on a fairy tale “Skazka o Pope I Rabotnike ego Balde” (“A Tale About a Priest and his Servant Balda”). The theatre gave performances in Gatchina Town, Volkhov Town, Obninsk Town, Petrozavodsk City, St.Petersburg; it took part in the X international festival of youth theatres in Vienna (2001). The theatre also houses an amateur group “Klub Polunochnikov” (“Nigh Owls’ Club”).

Fedulova, Angelina Borisovna

Arro, Vladimir
Besson, P.
Filatov, Leonid
Ilyukhina, Lyudmila Mikhaylovna
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Vampilov, Aleksandr Valentinovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Sosnovy Bor Town/Heroes Passage
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Volkhov Town

Subject Index
"The Theatre spring", an oblast festival

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