Articles / Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich (1811 - 1867), an architect

Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich (1811 - 1867), an architect

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Roman Ivanovich Kuzmin (1811 - 1867), an architect, teacher. R.I. Kuzmin graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in 1832, in 1840 he became an academician, in 1841 he became a professor of architecture and teacher of the Academy of Arts. R.I. Kuzmin was an architect of the Principal Commissariat Office of the Court Department. The most famous Kuzmin's constructions in St. Petersburg: the case for the House of Peter I (1844), the Mansion of L.V. Kochubey (1844-1846), the Greek Church of St. Demetrius Thessalonica (1861-1866, it was not intacted). Kuzmin was the author of churches in Paris and Athens. During 1845-1852 he enlarged and decorated the Gatchina Palace. From 1846 to 1852 Kuzmin built the Cathedral of St.Paul the Apostle in Gatchina Town, in 1855 he built his own house. R.I. Kuzmin was buried in the Smolenskoye Orthodox cemetery in St. Petersburg (the grave was not intacted).

Chekanova, Olga Aleksandrovna

Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town

Хомутецкий Н.Ф. Материалы к биографии архитекторов С.Л.Шустова и Р.И.Кузьмина // Архитектурное наследство. Вып. 7. Л.; М., 1955, 204-214
Архитекторы-строители Санкт-Петербурга сер. XIX – нач. ХХ вв.: Справочник / Под общей ред. Б.М. Кирикова. СПб., 1996., 184
Кючарианц Д. А., Раскин А. Г. Гатчина: Худож. памятники. СПб., 2001, 98-127, 264, 282-284

Subject Index
The Cathedral of the Apostle Paul (Gatchina Town)