Articles / Rastrelli, Francesko de (1700-1771), an architect

Rastrelli, Francesko de (1700-1771), an architect

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Francesko de Rastrelli (1700-1771), an architect, artist. The son of the Florentine sculptor Bartolomeo Rastrelli. During 1715-1725 F. Rastrelli worked with his father in St. Petersburg, then he learned in France. During 1730-1763 he served at the Emperor court, from 1732 he was the chief-architect. Among the most significant works of Rastrelli there was: the Smolny Monastery (1748-1757, it was not completed), the Winter Palace (1754-1762) in St. Petersburg, The Grand Palace in Peterhof (1747-1754), the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (1752-1757), the Church of St. Andrew in Kiev (1747-1757). Rastrelli was the author of the Ropsha palace-and-park ensemble reconstruction project.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Rastrelli, Bartholomeo Carlo
Rastrelli, Francesco de

Saint-Petersburg City/Peterhof Town
Historical Toponyms/Tsarskoye Selo Town

Козьмян Г.К. Франческо Бартоломео Растрелли // Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга, XVIII век. СПб., 1997., С.217-290
Мильчик М.И. Ропшинский дворец – забытый памятник архитектуры XVIII в. // Невский архив: Историко-краеведческий сборник. III. СПб., 1997, С.315-323

Subject Index
Ropsha palace-and-park ensemble