Articles / Vasilyev, Fyodor Aleksandrovich (1850-1873), an artist

Vasilyev, Fyodor Aleksandrovich (1850-1873), an artist

Subject / Art/Personnel

VASILYEV, Fyodor Aleksandrovich (1850, GatchinaTown – 1873), artist. In the period 1863-66 he studied at the High School of Painting at the Emperor’s Art Encouragement Society in St.Petersburg, his teacher was I.I. Sishkin. In the summers 1867 and 1868 Vasilyev with his teacher painted from nature on Valaam Island and in St.Petersburg suburbs. In this period of time he painted his landscapes “Bereg. Shtil” (“Coast. Calm”) (1867), “Bliz Krasnogo Sela” (“Near Krasnoye Settlement”), “V Okrestnostyakh Peterburga” (“In St.Petersburg Suburbs”), “Vid v Pargolovo” (“A View of Pargolovo”) (all of them in 1868), “Na Ostrove Valaame” (“On Valaam Island”) (1869). Later on Vasilyev painted landscapes in Tambov Gubernia, in Ukraine near Sumy Village, on the Volga River, in Crimea. His most famous paintings are “Ottepel” (“Thaw”) (1871), “Mokry Lug” (“Wet Meadow”) (1872), “Boloto v Lesy. Osen” (“Marsh in the Forest. Autumn”) (1872-73), “V Krymskikh Gorakh” (“In the Crimean Mountains”) (1873). Vasilyev died from tuberculosis in Yalta.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich
Vasilyev, Fyodor Aleksandrovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Topographical landmarks/Valaam Island

Федор Александрович Васильев: Альбом. М., 1991
Федор Александрович Васильев: Каталог выставки. Л., 1975
Сонина Л.В. Сиверская в судьбах русских литераторов. Гатчина, 2000., С.15