Articles / Zenkov, Semyon Nikolayevich (1877-1941), an artist

Zenkov, Semyon Nikolayevich (1877-1941), an artist

Subject / Art/Personnel

ZENKOV, Semyon Nikolayevich (1877, Lyugovichi Village, Olonets Gubernia; modern Lodeinoye Pole District, Leningrad Oblast – 1941), artist. He was born and brought up in a peasant family. He started to learn painting at Aleksandro-Svirsky Trinity Monastery. In 1904 he became an auditor student at High School of Painting at the St.Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, his teachers were P.P. Chistyakov , V.Y. Makovsky, V.V. Mate. In 1912 he graduated from the Academy with a gold medal (for his picture “Smekh” (“Laugh”)). Zenkov is an author of genre paintings (“Tovarishchy” (“Friends”), “Za Chayepitiem” (“Tea Drinking”), “Spusk Lesovoza na Baltiiskom Zavode” (“Launch of a Wood Cargo Vessel at the Baltic Shipyard”), “Lampochka Ilyicha” (“Ilyich’s Light”), etc.), of several portraits – of А.М. Gorky, actors N.F. Monakhov, V.I. Kastorsky, М.S. Davydov, Y.P. Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya , P.Z. Andreyev. Zenkov was a member of Artists’ Society named after A.I. Kuindzhi, Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AARR). After revolution in his native village he painted portraits “Tetushky Kateriny” (“Aunt Katherine’s”), of N.I. Kononov, О.I. Аkimov, etc. In 1920 during the Uyezd Congress of Soviets Zenkov’s personal exhibition was held in Lodeynoye Pole Town. Lodeynoye Pole Local History Museum keeps some Zenkov’s pictures given to the museum by his daughter. Zenkov died and was buried in Leningrad during a siege.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Akimov, O.I.
Andreyev, Pavel Zakharovich
Chistyakov, Pavel Petrovich
Davydov, M.S.
Gorky, Maxim ( Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov)
Kastorsky, Vladimir Ivanovich
Kononov, N.I.
Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, Yekaterina Pavlovna
Makovsky, Vladimir Yegorovich
Mate, Vasily Vasilyevich
Monakhov, Nikolay Fyodorovich
Zenkov, Semyon Nikolayevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Lodeynoye Pole Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Lyugovichi Village
Historical Toponyms/Olonets Gubernia (Province)

Достопримечательности Ленинградской области / Сост. И.А.Орлова. Л., 1977., 256-257
Автору «Лампочки Ильича» от земляков. URL:, 256-257

Subject Index
Holy Trinity Monastery of St. Aleksandr of Svir, the
Lodeynoye Pole Museum of the Local History, the