Articles / Bervi-Flerovsky, Vasily Vasilyevich (1829-1918), a scholar, literary man

Bervi-Flerovsky, Vasily Vasilyevich (1829-1918), a scholar, literary man

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Vasily Vasilyevich (Wilhelm Wilhelmovich) Bervi-Flerovsky (the real surname was Bervi, the pseudonyms were N. Flerovsky and others) (1829-1918), a sociologist, literary man. He graduated from the Kazan University Faculty of Law in 1849, worked at the Ministry of Justice. From 1856 Bervi-Flerovsky was published in the magazine "Sovremennik" ("The Contemporary"), later he worked in the magazines "The Affair", "The Word", participated in working conspiracy and emigrant editions. In 1862 Bervi-Flerovsky was dismissed and exiled from Saint Petersburg for the protest against the arrest of Tver's conciliators. Then he was arrested and exiled repeatedly. During 1870-1872 Bervi-Flerovsky lived in Lyuban Railway Station of the Nicholas Railway (now it is Lyuban Town) under secret police surveillance. Here he wrote the book "Azbuka sotsialnikh nauk" ("The Rudiments of Social Sciences", Parts 1-2, SPb., 1871; Part 3, London, 1894). Other important works of Bervi-Flerkovsky were "Polozheniye rabochego klassa v Rossii" ("The Situation of the Working Class in Russia", 1869), "Filosofia bessoznatelnogo, darvinizm I realnaya istina" ("The Philosophy of the Unconscious, Darwinism and Real Truth", 1878), "Kritika osnovnikh idey yestestvoznania" ("The Criticism of the Main Ideas of Natural Sciences", 1904), the novel "Na zhizn I smert. Izobrazheniye idealistov" ("For Life and Death. Imaging the Idealists", 1877); memoirs "Tri politicheskikh sistemi. Nikolay I, Aleksadr II, Aleksandr III" ("Three Political Systems. Nicholas I, Alexander II, Alexander III", 1897).

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Bervi- Flerovsky, Vasily Vasilyevich (the real name was Wilhelm Wilhelmovich Bervi)

Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Lyuban Town

Аптекман О.В. В.В.Берви-Флеровский. По материалам III отделения… Л., 1925
Измайлов А.Ф. Любань. Л., 1979., С.21-22