Articles / Nikolsky, urban settlement

Nikolsky, urban settlement

Subject / Topography/Urban settlements

NIKOLSKY, an urban settlement in the north-west of Podporozhye District. Population: 2,900. It is situated on a peninsula formed by a sharp bend of the Svir River. The name probably originates from the church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker (known from the late 15th c.) Communication with the district center is via a motor road and via the Svir. A stone and gravel quarry was set up in the environs of N. in the 1930s. The settlement appeared due to the construction of a river port on the Svir River in the 20th century. In 1949 it received the status of a workers' settlement. In the 2nd half of the 20th c. it developed as a center of timber industry and as a transport hub. Located in N. are the river port of Podporozhye and a wharf. N. has a library, culture house, and children’s school of music.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District
Topographical landmarks/Svir River, the

Белоусов Б.В., Гладкий С.П., Толстых И.С. Подпорожье: Ист.-краевед. очерк Л. 1986., С.51, 61

Subject Index
Clubs of Enthusiasts
Nikolskaya children music school
Nikolskoye Rural Library, the