Articles / Krylov, Aleksandr Abramovich (1798-1829), a poet

Krylov, Aleksandr Abramovich (1798-1829), a poet

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Krylov, Aleksandr Abramovich (1798-1829), a poet. Krylov graduated from the Olonets Gubernia High School in 1813 and the St.Petersburg Teacher's Training College. During 1816-1820 A.A. Krylov worked at the St.Petersburg College for the Deaf-and-dumbs. The first published poems were translations from J. Delille's poem "Voobrazheniye" ("Imagination"). Krylov wrote love elegies, the most famous of them is the elegy "Nedoverchivost" ("The Distrust", 1821). A.A. Krylov was a full member of the Russian Literature Lovers Free Society from 1818 and Arts, Sciences and Literature Lovers Free Society from 1819. In the late 1810s Krylov became good friends with A.A. Delvig, Ye.A. Baratynsky, P.A. Pletnyov, V.K. Kyukhelbeker. In 1821 Krylov disputed his previous friends in the poem "Vakkhicheskiye poeti" ("Bacchanal Poets"). In the same year he mooved to his estate in the Tikhvin Uyezd of the Novgorod Gubernia and gradually withdrew from the literary work. In January 1821 Krylov was appointed the Supervisor of the Tikhvin Uyezd College. In Tikhvin Town he was a member of the circle of A.P. Rimsky-Korsakov (the father of the composer). In last years of his life Krylov had the mental disorder. He died in Kulibino village of the Tikhvin Uyezd, he was buried in Pashozero village (the Tikhvin District).

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Baratynsky, Yevgeny Abramovich
Delil, Joseph Nichola (Osip Nikolayevich)
Delvig, Anton Antonovich
Krylov, Aleksandr Abramovich
Kukhelbeker, Wilhelm Karlovich
Pletnev, Pyotr Aleksandrovich
Rimsky-Korsakov, Andrey Petrovich

Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd/Kylibino Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Pashozero Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd

Базанов В. Ученая республика. М.; Л., 1964., С.133, 143, 144
Вацуро В.Э. К биографии поэта пушкинского окружения // Пушкин. Временник. 1966. Л., 1969., С.133, 143, 144
История Тихвина в лицах. Биобиблиографический указатель. Выпуск I. Часть 1 (XIII-XIX вв.). Тихвин, 2004., С. 84-86