Articles / "Boloto Lammin-Suo" ("The Marsh of Lammin-Suo"), a reserve

"Boloto Lammin-Suo" ("The Marsh of Lammin-Suo"), a reserve

Subject / Nature memorials

Boloto Lammin-Suo ("The Marsh of Lammin-Suo") is a regional hydrology (march) reserve in the Vyborg district. It is located 1 kilometer to the south-east from Ilyichevo Settlement , the area of the reserve is 380 hectares. It was founded in 1976. The reserve is hummock-ridge bog that is located in the lake hollow (Finnish Lammin suo – “ozernoe boloto” (The Lake Bog)). The pine-moss crop-bush vegetation predominates in the reserve. The marsh is surrounded with pine and birch forests. In the territory of the reserve there are a rare for Russia moss, two rare kinds of the sphagnous moss. The reserve is the stopping place of the migratory birds , mating place of the upland fowl. In the reserve there is the experimental marsh station of the State Hydrology Institute (GTI). The field studies of the student-biologist are conducted here.

Tripolskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Ilyichevo Settlement

Калюжный И.Л., Левандовская Л.Я., Клепиков В.В. Детальные гидрохимические исследования олиготрофного болотного массива заказника «Ламмин-Суо» // Болота и болотные ягодники. Вологда, 1979, С. 83-94
Красная книга природы Ленинградской области. Т. 1. Особо охраняемые природные территории. СПб., 1999, С. 56-57
Ильичево. URL:, С. 56-57
История ГГИ. URL:, С. 56-57

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