Articles / Novikov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1744-1818), a literary man

Novikov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1744-1818), a literary man

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Novikov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1744-1818), a writer, journalist, publisher. He attended the High School at the Moscow University during 1756-1759. From 1762 Novikov surved in the Life Guard Izmailovsky Regiment. During 1767-1768 Novikov was the Secretary of the Committee for making the project of "The New Code". After retiring in 1769 Novikov started to publish the satirical magazine "Tryten" ("The Drone"); after closing it by the government Novikov published the magazines "Pustomelya" ("The Babbler", 1770), "Zhivopisets" ("The Painter", 1772-1773), "Koshelyek" ("The Purse", 1774). At the same time Novikov expanded book-publishing in St. Petersburg. In 1772 he organized the first Russian publishing company "The Society Endorsing Publishing Books". From 1775 Novikov was a member of the Masonic lodge "Astreya", then he was leader of the Masonry in Russia. In 1779 Novikov moved to Moscow where he headed "The Rrinting Company" and he published some magazines using the Masonic order's money. In may 1792 Novikov was arrested and imprisoned in the Shlisselburg Fortress (he was kept in so called "numerical barracks"). He was released in 1796 after the death of Catherine II.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Catherine II, Empress
Novikov, Nikolay Ivanovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Shlisselburg Town

Некрасов С. Апостол добра. Повествование о Н.И.Новикове. М., 1994
Узники Шлиссельбургской крепости/Сост. Л.Б.Добринская. Л., 1978, С.23-38

Subject Index
Shlisselburg Fortress, the