Articles / Polonsky, Yakov Petrovich (1819-1898), a writer

Polonsky, Yakov Petrovich (1819-1898), a writer

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Polonsky, Yakov Petrovich (1819-1898), a writer, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1886). Polonsky graduated from the Moscow University Faculty of Law in 1844. He served in Odessa and Tiflis at Governor-General M.S. Vorontsov's Office and from 1851 he served at the Office of St. Petersburg Civil Governor N.M. Smirnov. During 1860-1896 Polonsky was an official of the Foreign Censorship Committee and the Main Board of the Press Affairs. In 1859-1860 Polonsky was the editor of the magazine "Russkoye slovo" ("The Russian Word"). He worked in the magazines "Sovremennik" ("The Contemporary"), "Otechestvenniye zapiski" (“Notes of the Fatherland”), "Vremya" ("The Time"), "Epokha" ("The Epoch") and others. From 1860s Polonsky was the organizer of famous "Fridays" in St. Petersburg. Many famous writers, musicians, artists were members of his literary-art society. Polonsky is the author of poems: "Doroga" (The Way"), "Zimny put" ("The Winter Way"), "Pesn tsiganki" ("The Song of Gypsy Woman" ("My Campfire Shines in the Fog…"), "Zatvornitsa" ("The Hermit" ("In a known street… "), "Kolokolchik" ("A Bell"), "V glushi" ("In Out-of-the-way Place"), "Uznitsa" ("The Prisoner" ("What Is She to Me! She Is Neither the Wife Nor a Lover…") and others that were set to music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.S. Dargomyzhsky, S.I. Taneyev, S.V. Rakhmaninoff and other. Polonsky wrote collection of lyric poetry: "Gammi" ("Scales", 1844), "Stikhotvoreniya 1845" ("Poems of 1845", 1846), "Sazandar" (1849), "Na zakate" ("At the Sunset", 1881), "Vecherny zvon" ("Vesper Chores", 1890), and others, the poem "Kuznechik-muzikant" ("The Grasshopper-musician", 1859), the novel "Priznaniya Sergeya Chapligina" ("Sergey Chapligin's Confession", 1867), the story "Zhenitba Atuyeva" ("The Marriage of Atuyev", 1869). Polonsky often visited Count A.K. Tolstoy's estate of Pustinka (now it is Pustinka Railway Station of the Tosno District). In the 1880s Polonsky lived in the country house in Raivola village of the Vyborg Gubernia (now it is Roshchino settlement of the Vyborg District). The writer D.V. Grigorovich visited Polonsky's country house.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Grigorovich, Dmitry Vasilyevich
Polonsky, Yakov Petrovich
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Vasilyevich
Smirnov, Nikolay Mikailovich
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich, Count
Vorontsov, Mikhail Semyonovich, Highness Prince

Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Pustynka Settlement, Railway Station
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Roshchino Urban Village

Орлов П.А. Я.П.Полонский. Рязань, 1961
Гришина Л.И., Файнштейн Л.А., Великанова Г.Я. Памятные места Ленинградской области. Л., 1973., С.162

Subject Index
Pustunka, a country estate