Articles / Ryleyev, Kondraty Fyodorovich (1795-1826), a social and political figure, literary man

Ryleyev, Kondraty Fyodorovich (1795-1826), a social and political figure, literary man

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Ryleyev, Kondraty Fyodorovich (1795-1826), a poet, decembrist. Ryleyev graduated from the First Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg in 1814. He was a member of foreign campaigns of 1813-1815, a junior lieutenant. In 1818 after retiting Ryleyev moved into St. Petersburg. From 1821 Ryleyev served as an assessor from the gentry at the St. Petersburg Chamber of the Criminal Court, from the spring of 1824 he was the business-manager of the Russo-American Company Office. From 1820 Ryleyev's works were published in magazines "Blagonamerenny" ("The Loyal"), "Syn Otechestva" ("A Son of the Fatherland"), "Nevsky zritel" ("The Neva Onlooker") and others. Ryleyev was the author of the satire "K vremenshchiku" ("To the Favourite"), the political elegy "Grazhdanin" ("The Citizen"), historic poems series "Dumi" ("Thoughts"), the poem "Voinarovsky" and others. During 1823-1825 Ryleyev and A.A. Bestuzhev published the anthology "The Polar Star". Ryleyev was a master of the Masonic lodge "The Flaming Star" during 1820-1821. Ryleyev was a member of the North Society of Decembrists from the autumn of 1823, a leader of the preparation for the Uprising of December 14, 1825. Ryleyev was arrested straight away after the Uprising defeat and imprisoned in the Alekseyevsky ravelin of Peter and Paul Fortress. Ryleyev was sentenced to death and hung on July 13, 1826. In 1800 Ryleyev's mother bought Batovo village of the St. Petersburg Gubernia (now it is Batovo village of the Gatchina District) from Major-General P.F. Malyutin. Ryleyev often visited and lived for a long time in Batovo. In 1824 Ryleyev inherited the mother's estate. In 1975 the memorial stele (the architect A.A. Semochkin, the sculptor V.V. Shevchenko) was set on the place the manor-house (it was not survived). The forestry located there was named after K.F. Ryleyev. (see the article: Batovo, an estate).

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Bestuzhev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Malyutin, Pyotr Fyodorovich
Ryleyev, Kondraty Fyodorovich
Semochkin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Shevchenko, Valery Vladimirovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Batovo Village

Шубин В.Ф. Поэты пушкинского Петербурга. Л., 1985., С. 168-205
Достопримечательности Ленинградской области / Сост. И.А.Орлова. Л., 1977., С. 210.