Articles / Uspensky, Gleb Ivanovich (1843 – 1902), a writer

Uspensky, Gleb Ivanovich (1843 – 1902), a writer

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Uspensky, Gleb Ivanovich (1843 – 1902), a writer. Uspensky attended the St. Petersburg (1861) and Moscow (1862) Universities but did not graduate from the course. In 1867 he passed exams for a teacher. Uspensky worked in the magazines "Sovremennik" ("The Contemporary") and "Otechestvenniye zapiski" ("The Notes Of the Fatherland"). Uspensky is the author of series of narratived, stories and essays: "Peterburgskiye ocherki" ("St. Petersburg Essays", 1865), "Ntavi rasteryayavoy ulitsi" ("Morals of Rasteryyeva Street", 1866), "Razorenye" ("Ruins", 1869-1871), "Noviye vremena, noviye zaboti" ("The New Times, the new affairs", 1873-1878), "Iz derevenskogo dnevnika" ("From the Village Dairy", 1877-1880), "Krestyanin I krestyansky trud" ("A Peasant and Peasant's Life", 1880), "Vlast zemli" ("The Power of the Land", 1882) and others. In 1880 Uspensky settled in a village near the Chudovo Railway Station of the Novgorod Gubernia (now there is a memorial musem in the village). From the early 1890s the hard mental disease of Uspensky exacerbated and he could not continue to go in for the literature. G.I. Uspensky was buried at the literatorskiye Mostki Necropolys at the Volkovo Cemetery. In 1872 and 1874 Uspensky lived in Gatchina Town. He described the life of peasants of the Glazhevsky Volost (now the Kirishi District) in the essay "Yakobi Dela" ("Supposedly the Affairs", 1885).

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Uspensky, Gleb Ivanovich

Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Chudovo Railway Station
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District

Соколов Н. Г.И.Успенский: Жизнь и творчество. Л., 1968
Гришина Л.И., Файнштейн Л.А., Великанова Г.Я. Памятные места Ленинградской области. Л., 1973., С.174, 239
Михайлова С.Б. Глеб Успенский в Петербурге. Л., 1987, С.174, 239