Articles / Podporozgye Museum of the Local Lore and History,

Podporozgye Museum of the Local Lore and History,

Subject / Museums

The Podporozgye Museum of the Local Lore and History, a branch of "The Museum Agency" (Podporozhye Town, 1 Isakov Street). "The Spot of the Svir River Region History" was established on the basis of the local lore and history club of the Community Centre in 1965. The historian of the local lore I.S. Tolstoy was the organizer of the museum. It opened on 19 December of 1967, from 1969 the museum got the status of the of the Local Lore and History Museum. From the 1990s the museum research workers make archaelogical dig and ethnographic investigations of the Podporozhye district, following them the great collections on the district ancient history and ethnography of Russian and Veps population of the late 19th - 20th century have been formed. There are about 36 thousand items in the museum funds. The museum hold exhibitions, organize sightseing tours in Podporozhye Town and the Podporozhye district. Lessons for preschool age children and school pupils according to special curriculums "Introducing Children to Origins of national Culture", "Museum and Children" have been held since 2000. Every year the museum is visited by 3 thousand people.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Tolstoy, Ivan Sergeyevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Podporozhye Town/Isakov Street
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District

Зимина Т.Г. Материальная культура вепсов из фондов Подпорожского краеведческого музея. Буклет, 1994
Вепсы. URL:,
Подпорожский краеведческий музей. URL:,
Архивы Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области. URL:,
Подпорожский краеведческий музей. URL:,

Subject Index
"The Museum Agency", a State Culture institution

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