Articles / School museums

School museums

Subject / Museums

School museums began to establish in the Leningrad Oblast between 1950 - the 1960s in connection with developing the local history studing, heroic and patriotic and environmental movement among school children. Teachers of history and geography become usually the organizers of school museums . Museums' expositions showed natural and geographical features and the history of the region. The special emphasis was attached to the coverage of World War II events. Exhibits were collected during local history studing walking-tours and as a result of the collection of data from old residents, veterans of the war and labor (see the article: "Red pathfinders"). School museums, which worked actively, got the status of people's museums. State museums local history were established between the 1960s - the 1990s using the best museums basis. For example, the Boksitigorsk district Spirovo primary school people's museum collection collected by E.P. Antonova, an Honored teacher of RSFSR, became the Pikalyevo Local History Museum's basis. Exhibits of the Tikhvin Town school No.1 museum founded by the history teacher I.P. Krupeychenko became the basis of the Tikhvin historical, memorial, architectural and arts museum. The Volosovo museum of the local history was created using the basis of the materials of the Volosovo secondary school No.1 established in 1965. The lack of the official status and methodical support prevented to further development of the school museum network. The closing of some rural schools has had the negative role in the network development. Problems connected with placing and guarding school museums caused to the loss of both single exhibits and sometimes complete collections. The process became more intense in the 1990s. Some school museums continue working on the present days. The Kirishi district Budigoshch secondary school local history museum, established in 1966, has four departments namely: ethnographic one, the section of Budogoshch urban settlement history, the section of the school history, the section of World War II history. The Boksitogorsk Town High school museum, devoted to events of World War II in the disrict, has been working during 30 years. The museum of the school No.34 under the patronage of the Railway company worked in the urban settlement Mga. On this museum exposition there are materials concerning the settlement history, the school history, materials about the Second Attack Army. The museum at the High School No.1 of Nikolskoye Town, where the local history studing became the one of foreground directions of the educational activities, was established in 1994. The school museum in Zaklinye Village of the Luga district was founded in 1995, but the local history studing work was started here in 1987. From the late 1990s at the school No.1 of Tikhvin Town there is the museum whose exposition devoted to Vepses. In 2001 the local history museum at the Sablino settlement school was founded in the urban settlement of Ulyanka (see the article: The Sablino museum of the local history).

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Antonova, Yekaterina Petrovna
Krupeychenko, Ivan Pavlovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Boksitogorsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District/Budogoshch Urban Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirovsk District/Mga Urban Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Nikolskoye Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Spirovo Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Ul'yanovka Urban Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Luga District/Zaklinye Village (Voloshovskaya Volost)

Самушенкова М.Л., Файнштейн Л.А., Шаскольский И.П. Тихвин: Ист.-краевед. очерк. Л., 1984., С.182-183
В.Г.Воронцова. Школьный музей в едином образовательном пространстве / Научн. ред. СПб., 1999, С.182-183
Краеведческий музей Будогощской средней школы. URL:, С.182-183
МОУ Средняя школа №1 г. Волосово. URL:, С.182-183
МОУ Гимназия №1 г.Никольское. URL:, С.182-183
МОУ Гимназия №2 г. Тосно. URL:, С.182-183
Заклинская средняя школа. URL:, С.182-183
Данилова Т.Е. П.К. Ваулин – основатель завода «Горн» // «Россия, Русь! Храни себя, храни» Сельская библиотека и краеведение. СПб., 2004., С.182-183

Subject Index
Museum at the Nikolskoye Town Classical School No. 1, the
Museum at the Tikhvin Secondary School No. 9, the
Museum of the Boksitogorsk Classical School, the
Museum of the Budogoshch Secondary School, the
Museum of the Mga Railway Station School No. 34
Pikalyevo Museum of the Local Lore and History
"Red Pathfinders", a local history study movement
Sablino Museum of the Local History, the
School Museum of Zaklinye Village, the
The Tikhvin Historical, Memorial, Architectural and Arts Museum, the
Volosovo Museum of the Local History, the

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