Articles / Korbenichi, village

Korbenichi, village

Subject / Topography/Villages

KORBENICHI, a village in Tikhvin District. Population: 44. Located on the north-western shore of Lake Kapshozero, 2 km away from the source of the Kapsha River. Via a pontoon bridge across the lake, it has access to the motor road to Tikhvin. The indigenous population is the Vepses, who call the village Korbal. The name is probably related to the Veps word “kor’b” = dense forest. The settlement appeared supposedly as early as in the middle of the 1st millennium A.D. Today’s village has a street-type planning and consists of one-storey houses along the shore of Lake Kapshozero. K. has a culture house, library, and chapel (2000). The wooden church of St. Alexander Nevsky (1889) existed until 1989. An ancient stone around the local graveyard close to K. has survived.

S. B. Yegorov

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Alexander Nevsky, Prince

Topographical landmarks/Kapsha River, the
Topographical landmarks/Kapshozero

«Вепсский лес». Природный парк. Путеводитель. Б.г., б.и.

Subject Index
Korbenichi Rural Library, the
The Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky (Korbenichi Village, Tikhvin District)