Articles / Ust-Luga, settlement

Ust-Luga, settlement

Subject / Topography/Villages

UST-LUGA, a settlement in Kingisepp District. Population: 1990; apart from the Russians, Izhora and Vod families live in U.-L. and its environs. Located in the mouth of the Luga River. Adjacent to U.-L. is Krakolye village. The settlement appeared after the Ust-Luga – Kotly railway branch was opened in 1931 (Ust-Luga railway station is on the right bank of the Luga.) The development of the infrastructure was promoted by the start in 1934 of the construction in the Luga Bay of a naval base of the Baltic Fleet destroyed in 1941. Since the mid-1990s, the construction of a dry cargo seaport has been going in way of U.-L.; it is intended to build an urban settlement for 20,000 residents. The church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker has been active in the club building since 1999. In 1997, the foundation of the naval Holy Trinity Cathedral was laid.

A. Y. Chistyakov

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Krakolye Village
Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Ust-Luga Settlement

Аристов В. Война на Кингисеппском взморье. Тайна «Второго Кронштадта» // Книга памяти к 50-летию Великой Победы 95. Кингисепп, 1995., С. 9-17
Волкова Е.А., Храмцов В.Н., Исаченко Г.А., Бубличенко Ю.Н., Бубличенко А.Г. Макарова М.А. Комплексное картографирование природной среды побережья Финского залива (район Лужской губы). СПб., 2001, С. 8-15
Конькова О.И. Вопросы ранней истории финноязычного населения нижнего течения р. Луги // Население Ленинградской области: материалы и исследования по истории и традиционной культуре. СПб., 1992, С. 92-106

Subject Index
Izhora (Izhora men)
The Naval Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Ust-Luga Village, Kingisepp District)
The Church of Sainted Hierach Nicholas the Wonderworker (Ust-Luga Village, Kingisepp District)
Vod (Votes)