Articles / The Imochenitsy village church of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Imochenitsy Village, Lodeinoye Pole District)

The Imochenitsy village church of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Imochenitsy Village, Lodeinoye Pole District)

Subject / Religion. Church/Orthodox churches

The Imochenitsy village church of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Imochenitsy Village, Lodeinoye Pole District). The Rozhdestvensky Convent was organized before the 17thc, it was closed after 1600. The original wooden convent church of the Nativity of the Mother of God was built before 1582. In 1717 the new wooden church, with two side-chapels including the side- chapel of St Alexis, the "Man of God", was built on the place of the former church. The new church was closed on 10 June 1934, it was adapted for the Soviet of Village, the village library and the communist propaganda room of the collective farm. The church building was destroyed in the beginning of the 1960s. Now religious services are performed at the Church of St Basil the Great which was built by the artist I.L. Gretsky and the artist Y.S. Gretsky in в 2001-2002 (the church was consecrated in the honour of the Heavenly Patron of the artist V.D. Polenov, the owner of the country estate of Imochenitsy ). Three chapels, which were attached to the church, the Shirrinskaya Chapel of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, the Shanginskaya Chapel of the Prophet Elijah, the Nikonovskaya Chapel of the Transfiguration of Christ, were closed on 10 October 1934. Other convent wooden church of St Nicholas was built before 1582, it was plundered during the war with Sweden in the beginning of the 17th c, it was resumed in 1616 and in 1653. From the early 18th c the church became the parish church, in 1895 the church was transferred on the left bank of the River Oyat. In 1898-1899 the new wooden church was built to the design of the architect P.F. Vakhrushev on the place of the former church. This church was closed on 1 August 1935, the church building was adapted for a club. In 1998 the ruin church was dismantled and the new wooden church of St Nicholas was built on its place in 1998-2003.

Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich
Shkarovsky, Mikhail Vitalyevich

Gretskaya, Irina Lvovna
Gretsky, Yuri Semyonovich
Polenov, Vasily Dmitriyevich
Vakhrushev, Pavel Filadelfovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Imochenitsi Village
Topographical landmarks/Oyat River, the

Мордвинов И. П. Старый Тихвин и Нагорное Обонежье. Тихвин; СПб., 1999., С. 9
Земля Невская Православная: Краткий церковно-исторический справочник / Науч. ред. В.В. Антонов. СПб., 2006., С. 9

Subject Index
Imochenitsi, a country estate