Карельский перешеек: Земля неизведанная. Ч. 2-3: Уусикирко, Каннельярви – Куолемаярви / Авт.-сост. Е.А. Балашов. СПб., 1998.
Polyani, settlement
POLYANI (Finnish Uusikirkko = “new church” before 1947), a settlement in Vyborg District. Population: 1500. Located on the shore of Lake Polyanskoye (former Kirkkojarvi.) It is also known as Kirkonkyla = “church village” and Kirkkojarvi = “church... more
Vyborg District
VYBORG DISTRICT, municipal entity. Population: 172,800. Area: 7381.7 sq. km. V. D. comprises the towns of Vyborg (adm. center), Primorsk, Vysotsk, Kamennogorsk, Svetogorsk; urban settlements of Roschino, Lesogorsky, and Sovetsky; and 180 rural... more