Bibliography / Гатчина: Страницы истории /Сост. Т.Ф.Родионова.-СПб.: «Издат. дом Герда», 2001.-207 с.: ил.

Гатчина: Страницы истории /Сост. Т.Ф.Родионова.-СПб.: «Издат. дом Герда», 2001.-207 с.: ил.

Subject / Topography/Administrative - territorial division
Subject / Topography/Cities

Mentioned in articles:

Gatchina, town
GATCHINA (Trotsk in 1923-27, Krasnogvardeisk in 1927-44), a town in Leningrad Oblast, adm. center of Gatchina District. Population: 82,900 (the largest town in the Leningrad Oblast.) First mentioned in the Novgorod scribe roll of 1499 -1500 as... more

Historic-memorial Museum-Estate of P.E. Shcherbov, the
The historic and memorial museum - estate of P.E. Shcherbov (Gatchina Town, 4 Chekhov Street) was founded on 10 April 1992. The museum was placed in the artest-caricaturist P.E. Shcherbov's former estate which is one of the best memorials of the... more

Karazin, Nikolay Nikolayevich (1842-1908), an artist, man of letters
KARAZIN, Nikolay Nikolayevich (1842 – 1908, Gatchina Town), artist, literary man, traveler. In 1862 he graduated from Moscow Corps of Pages, served in a dragoon regiment. In the period 1865-67 he was an auditor student at the St.Petersburg Imperial... more

Lomakin, Gavriil Yakimovich (1812 - 1885). A musician
LOMAKIN, Gavriil Yakimovich (Ioakimovich) (1812 – 1885, Gatchina Town), choirmaster, conductor, composer, teacher. He was a son of a serf. In 1811 he was taken to St.Petersburg and joined Count D.M. Sheremetev’s choir. Lomakin was a choir leader... more