Articles / Repin, Ilya Yefimovich (1844 - 1930)

Repin, Ilya Yefimovich (1844 - 1930)

Subject / Art/Personnel

REPIN, Ilya Yefimovich (1844–1930), artist, teacher. He lived in St.Petersburg since 1863. He studied at School of Painting at the Society of Arts Promotion (teacher I.N. Kramskoy), in the period 1864-71 he studied in the Academy of Fine Arts (teachers P.V. Basin, F.A. Bruni, T.A. Neff). In the period 1873-76 Repin lived in Italy and France receiving education grant from the Academy of Fine Arts. He became an academician of painting (in 1876), an honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts (in 1893). In the period 1893–1907 worked as a teacher at the Academy (professor, studio supervisor, in 1898-99 – president). In the period 1877-82 Repin lived in Moscow. In 1878 he joined the Itinerants, the association of movable art exhibitions. Repin is an author of epic paintings on modern and historical subjects: “Burlaky na Volge” (“Barge Haulers on the Volga River”) (1870-73), “Krestny Khod v Kurskoy Guberniy” (“Icon Bearing Procession in Kursk Province”) (1880-83), “Zaporozhtsy Pishyt Pismo Turetskomy Sultany” (“Zaporozhye Cossacs are Writing a Letter to the Turkish Sultan”) (1878-91), “Torzhestvennoye Zasedanie Gosudarstvennogo Soveta 7 Maya 1901” (“Ceremonial Meeting of the State Council on the 7th of May 1901”) (1901-03), etc. Repin was a master of psychological portrait. In the summer 1899 he bought a country house “Villa Penaty” («Villa Penates») in Kuokkala Village (modern Repino Village, Primorsky District, St.Petersburg) and lived there since 1903. Repin died and was buried in “Penates”. In 1940 a memorial museum was opened in “Penates”. In the period 1870s-80s Repin often stayed at Kramskoy’s country house in Siversky Urban Settlement . In 1890 he spent summer in Kamenskoye Village in his brother V.Y. Repin’s house (modern address is 23, Repina st., Kobrino Village). In 1894 and 1899 Repin visited a poet K.M. Fofanov in Gatchina Town. In 1890s Repin together with V.A. Serov visited Vyborg Town and its suburbs.

Kruzhnov, Yuri Nikolayevich

Basin, Pyotr Vasilyevich
Bruni, Fyodor (Fidelis) Antonovich
Fofanov, Konstantin Mikhaylovich
Kramskoi, Ivan Nikolayevich
Neff, Timofey Andreyevich
Repin, Ilya Yefimovich
Repin, V.E.
Serov, Valentin Aleksandrovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Kobrino Village/Repin Street
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Siversky Urban Settlement

Громов В.И., Файнштейн Л.А. Памятные места Ленинградской области. Л., 1959., 87, 165, 167, 396
Грабарь И. Э. Репин: В 2 т. М., 1963-1964, 87, 165, 167, 396
Прибульская Г. И. Репин в Петербурге. Л., 1970, 87, 165, 167, 396
Чуковский К. И. Илья Репин. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М., 1983., 87, 165, 167, 396