Bibliography / Приозерск .RU - официальный сайт г. Приозерска и Приозерского района Ленинградской области. URL:

Приозерск .RU - официальный сайт г. Приозерска и Приозерского района Ленинградской области. URL:

Mentioned in articles:

"Korela", a museum-fortress
"Korela", a museum-fortress (Priozersk Town, 3 Leningrad Road). The first local history exhibition was founded in 1894 in the Round (Pugachev's) Tower of the Keksholm citadel acoording the initiative of the Finnish archaeologist and ethnographer... more

Priozersk District
PRIOZERSK DISTRICT, municipal entity. Population: 63,300 (of these, 20,500 live in Priozersk town, the adm. center.) Area: 3,563.1 sq. km. Located in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the Karelian Isthmus. It borders Vsevolozhsk and Vyborg... more