Articles / Mass Media

Mass Media

Subject / Literature. Mass Media.

The Mass Media. The Leningrad Oblast Mass Media system formed little by little. In the early 20th century newspapers and magazines appeared in the Leningrad Oblast (see the article "Periodical Press"), in the 1920s the Radio appeared (see the article "The Radio"), then the TV broadcasting appeared (see the article "The TV"). In the Soviet period the Mass Media material and technical basis was fully state and the Mass Media content was under the permanent ideological control. Till the late 20th century the different fields of the Mass Media interacted a little. On present days in connection with the market relations introduction, the situation is changed. The censorship was abolished legislatively. The private Mass Media directed toward the receipt of profit. The advertising market is the most important for them. New Publishing Houses evolved from the large -scale printing-houses (see the article "Printing and Publishing Business"), Media-groups appear. The media groups prepare and distribute radio- and tele- programmes within the bounds of the advertising activity, they publish newspapers and magazines. A number of the mass communication media get the Leningrad Oblast Government Support in the form of giving reduced tariffs on electric power, mail services, telegraphy, telephony, and the exemption from paying all local taxes and the oblast payments for the local budgets. A shortage of the media saturation of the oblast Mass Media is compensated more power St. Petersburg' Mass Media for the satisfaction of the oblast population needs in the information. Leading regional Mass Media are inited in the Leningrad Oblast Mass Media Union. Last years the Internet - versions of printed Mass Media and on-line editions got the wide development, a number of them has appeared in the Leningrad Oblast including the district internet newspaper "Tikhvin On-line" (from 2002), the historic magazine "Gatchina skvoz stoletia" ("Gatchina through Centures", from 2004) and a number of others. In 2003 the information agency "Lenoblinform" was organized by the newspaper "Vesti" ("The News") editorial offices and the Government of the Leningrad Oblast. .

Ansberg, Olga Nikolayevna

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