Bibliography / Art-каталог собрание живописи и графики. URL:

Art-каталог собрание живописи и графики. URL:

Mentioned in articles:
"Autumn at the River Tosno". A.A. Rylov. 1920
I.E. Repin. Photograph of 1890
I.E. Repin. Photograph of 1890
M.O. Mikeshin. I.E. Repin. 1888
M.O. Mikeshin. I.E. Repin. 1888
M.V. Matyushin. Portrait painted by K. Malevich. 1913
M.V. Matyushin. Portrait painted by K. Malevich. 1913
Painting "Summer morning. Country estate of Rozhdestveno" by S. Zhukovsky.1918
V.A. Serov. Self-portrait.  The 1880s
V.A. Serov. Self-portrait. The 1880s
V.A. Serov.
V.A. Serov. "The Peasant Yard in Finland". 1902
"Winter. Imochentsy". V.D. Polenov. 1880