Bibliography / Иванова Е.В. Три архитектора Выборгской губернии конца 19 – первой трети 20 века [Я. Аренберг, У Уллберг, А. Линдгрен] // Вуокса. Приозерск, 2001. Вып. 2. Т. 1.

Иванова Е.В. Три архитектора Выборгской губернии конца 19 – первой трети 20 века [Я. Аренберг, У Уллберг, А. Линдгрен] // Вуокса. Приозерск, 2001. Вып. 2. Т. 1.

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Mentioned in articles:

Ahrenberg, Johann Jacob (1847 - 1914), an architect
Ahrenberg, Johann Jacob (1847, Vyborg - 1914), an architect, writer, ethnographer. During 1870-1875 he learned at the Royal Academy of Free Arts in Stockholm. During 1876-1877 and 1879-1882 he was a teacher of Drawing and History of Arts at the... more

Lindgren, Armas Eliel (1874 - !929), an architect
Lindgren, Armas Eliel (1874 - 1929), an architect. In 1897 Lindgren graduated from the Politechnic Institute in Helsingfors (Helsinki; now it is the University of Technology). During 1898-1899 he worked on probation in countries of Europe. From 1896... more