Articles / Leningrad Oblast State University named after A.S. Pushkin

Leningrad Oblast State University named after A.S. Pushkin

Subject / Art/Educational institutions

LENINGRAD OBLAST STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER A.S. PUSHKIN (LOSU) (10, Peterburgskoye Highway, Pushkin Town). It was founded in 1992 as the State Leningrad Oblast Pedagogy Institute. Founders of the Institute were the Leningrad Oblast Government Culture Committee and the Russian Federation State Committee on High Education. The Institute became the first institution of high education in the Leningrad Oblast, in 1996 it became a university, in 1999 it was named after A.S. Pushkin. From the day of foundation the chancellor has been V.N. Skvortsov , Phd in Economics, professor. The university trains teachers and other specialists according to multilevel system of high education. In 2006 the university had the following faculties: natural sciencе, geography and tourism; foreign languages; arts; history and social sciences; compensation pedagogy and specialized psychology; mathematics, physics and IT; psychology and pedagogy; philology; physical culture and sport; economics and investment; law; philosophy and study of culture; chemistry and technology; linguistics and inter-culture communication. The University branches work in Boksitogorsk Town, Kingisepp Town, Dudinka City, Norilsk City, Magadan City, Moscow and Yaroslavl City. Since 1992 LOSU has been holding annual International Pushkin Reading and Tsarskoye Selo Reading as well as scientific and methodology conferences. The University publishes academic, methodology and scientific literature, including works on local history prepared by the University staff: “Istoriya Leningradskoy Oblasty s Drevneisfykh Vremen v Dokumentakh I Materialakh: Khrestomatiya” (“The Leningard Oblast History From the Ancient Times in Documents and Materials: Reading Book”) (1998), “Geografiya Leningradskoy Oblasty: Uchebnoye Posobiye” (“Geography of the Leningrad Oblast: Textbook ”) (2003), etc. The University Centre of Advanced Training holds an annual School of Young Teachers for oblast teachers. Since 1992 the University has housed an academic choir, which tours the Leningrad Oblast a lot.

Ansberg, Olga Nikolayevna

Skvortsov, Vyacheslav Nikolayevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Boksitogorsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Kingisepp Town
Saint-Petersburg City/Pushkin Town/Peterburgskoye Shosse (Petersburg Highway)

Ленинградский государственный областной университет им. А.С.Пушкина: Буклет.- СПб.. 2003.- 6 с.
Золотая книга Ленинградской области. Ис-тория и современность. СПб., 2006, С.598
Ленинградский Государственный Университет им. А. С. Пушкина. URL: http://lengu.ru/pages/main.php, С.598

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