Articles / "Informational and Tourist Centre"

"Informational and Tourist Centre"

Subject / Local studies

"Informational and Tourist Centre", the Leningrad Oblast state institute (LOGU "ITTs"; SPb, 15 Bolshaya Morskaya Street). It was found in October 2002 and put under the supervision of the Leningrad Oblast Government Physical Training, Sport, Tourism and Youth Polotics Committee . The Centre works as multiple-discipline tourist's centre: it collects and presents relevant information about tourist potential of the oblast, publishes advertising materials (maps, leaflets, guides etc.), holds annual tourist exhibitions "Lentravel" as well as seminars in various districts of the Leningrad Oblast for representatives of the tourist business, distributes holiday vouchers to sanatoriums, holiday boarding houses, preventoriums, children health-improving camps.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Saint-Petersburg City/Bolshaya Morskaya Street (Greater Maritime Street)

Реестр туристских ресурсов Ленинградской области. СПб., 2005
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