Munnich, Christophor Antonovich (Burkhard Christof) (1683-1767), Count, military figure, an architect
Munnich, Christophor Antonovich (Burkhard Christof) (1683-1767), Count, military figure, an architectAuthors
Piryutko, Yuri Minayevich
Anna Ivanovna, Empress
Biron, Ernst Johann Catherine II, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress Munnich, Christofor Antonovich (Burhard Kristof), Count Peter III, Emperor Geography
Neighbouring Territories/Finland
Historical Toponyms/Ingermanlandia (Ingria) Historical Toponyms/Karelia Topographical landmarks/Ladoga Canals, the Topographical landmarks/Tosna River, the Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town Bibliography
Россия и русский двор в первой половине XVIII в. Записки и замечания графа Эрнста Миниха. СПб., 1891
Федорченко В.И. Императорский Дом. Выдающиеся сановники: Энциклопедия: В 2 т. Т.2. Красноярск; М., 2000., 61-63 Subject Index
Ladoga Canals, the
Shlisselburg Fortress, the |