Articles / Munnich, Christophor Antonovich (Burkhard Christof) (1683-1767), Count, military figure, an architect

Munnich, Christophor Antonovich (Burkhard Christof) (1683-1767), Count, military figure, an architect

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Christophor Antonovich (Burkhard Christoph) Munnich (1683-1767), Count (1728), Field-Marshal - General (1732), a statesman and military figure. Munnich was born in Neuenhuntorf, Oldenburg, Denmark. From 1721 he was on the Russian service. C.A. Munnich controlled hydraulic works at the Baltic seaside, led the building of a sluice in the River Tosno. From 1724 he was the head of the building of the Ladoga Canal opened in 1728 (see the article: the Ladoga Canals). At the same time Munnich became the Governor-General of St. Petersburg, Ingermanlandia, Karelia and Finland. He led the building of the Kronshtadt Fortress, participated in designing fortifications in Vyborg Town and the Shlisselburg Fortress. During the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna C.A. Munnich was the War Council President and from 1737 he was the Head of the Committee on building St. Petersburg. During 1734-1739 Munnich was in the front-line forces, he led the siege of Danzig, conquered Ochakov. He was an organizer of the coup d'etat of 1740, as a result of which Ernst Johann Biron was thrown down. In March 1741 Munnich sent in his resignation and left the post of the First Minister. After the accession Empress Yelizaveta Petrovna to the throne Munnich exiled to Pelym. Peter III released him in 1762. He served Empress Catherine II the Great as director general of the Rogervik, Revel, Narva and Kronshtadt ports and the Ladoga Canals. Munnich wrote "The Notes of Field Marshal Count Munnich" (published in 1874). Munnich died and was buried in St. Petersburg. Later he was reburied in his estate near Derpt (Tartu, Estonia).

Piryutko, Yuri Minayevich

Anna Ivanovna, Empress
Biron, Ernst Johann
Catherine II, Empress
Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress
Munnich, Christofor Antonovich (Burhard Kristof), Count
Peter III, Emperor

Neighbouring Territories/Finland
Historical Toponyms/Ingermanlandia (Ingria)
Historical Toponyms/Karelia
Topographical landmarks/Ladoga Canals, the
Topographical landmarks/Tosna River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town

Россия и русский двор в первой половине XVIII в. Записки и замечания графа Эрнста Миниха. СПб., 1891
Федорченко В.И. Императорский Дом. Выдающиеся сановники: Энциклопедия: В 2 т. Т.2. Красноярск; М., 2000., 61-63

Subject Index
Ladoga Canals, the
Shlisselburg Fortress, the