Articles / Gonzago Pyotr Fyodorovich (1751-1831), an artist

Gonzago Pyotr Fyodorovich (1751-1831), an artist

Subject / Art/Personnel

GONZAGO ( Gonzaga), Pietro di Gottardo (Pyotr Fyodorovich) (1751–1831), painter, theatre designer, art theorist, architect, garden designer. In 1792 he was invited to St.Petersburg to be at the head of stage decorations at Imperial Theatres. At the same time he became the first Russian court artist. He was an Honorary Member of a Free Artists’ Society at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1794). In the period 1792-1828 he made stage decorations for more than 200 plays at St.Petersburg and Moscow theatres, court theatres in Gatchina Town, Pavlovsk Town, Peterhof Town. Gonzago made designes for theatre buildings in Arkhangelskoye Village, Princes Yusupovs’ Moscow country estate (1817). He made painting of the gallery in Pavlovsk Palace (“Galareya Gonzaga” (“Gonzaga Gallery”); 1822-23). Gonzago made decorations for coronation festivities of Alexander I (1801) and Nicholas I (1826) in Moscow. In Gatchina Town he made rough drawings for palace plafonds, stage decorations for some operas and ballets at the Court Theatre. Gonzago died in St.Petersburg, he was buried in Novo-Volkovo Cemetery (the grave doesn’t exist).

Kruzhnov, Yuri Nikolayevich

Alexander I, Emperor
Gonzago, Pietro di Gottardo (Pyotr Fyodorovich)
Nicholas I, Emperor
Yusupovs, princes

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town

Гозенпуд А. А., Сыркина П. Я. Пьетро ди Готтардо Гонзага. М., 1974
Сыркина П. Я. Пьетро ди Готтардо Гонзага: Жизнь и творчество // Гонзага П. Г. Сочинения. М., 1974.