Articles / Tigoda River, the

Tigoda River, the

Subject / Topography/Reservoirs and waterways

TIGODA, river, left-hand tributary of the Volkhov. Length: 143 km, average flow rate: 4.21 cu. m/s, catchment area: 589 sq. km. It originates among the bogs in the extreme south of Tosno District north-east of Ogorelye railway station. In its upper reach, it flows in the north-eastern and northern direction; east of Ramtsi village, Tosno District it makes a sharp turn southwards (between the mouths of the Tverezna and Ravan rivers), and turns to the north-east at the border of Leningrad Oblast and Novgorod Oblast to flow into the Volkhov near Izvoz village, Kirishi District. The most important tributaries are the Bolotnitsa, Chudlya, Smerdynka, Korodynka, Tverezna, Ravan, Dobrokha, Peresterzha, Chagoda, Menevsha, Kusinka, and Posolka rivers. At some places, the river channel is split by islands into several arms. The name’s origin is not defined; probably, it has Finnish roots. Located on T. is Lyuban town. The first information on settlements in the basin of T. are contained in the 1499/1500 scribe roll of Vodskaya Pyatina. At the break of 19th and 20th cc., Old Believers lived in the lower reach of T along with the Orthodox. In the 19th and early 20th century, in the mid-reach of the river and on its tributaries there were many estates related to the life and works of several figures of culture: writers N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. K. Mikhailovsky, P. V. Zasodimsky, artists A. P. Bogolyubov, V. V. Mate, A. P. Ryabushkin.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Bogolyubov, Aleksey Petrovich
Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Gavrilovich
Mate, Vasily Vasilyevich
Mikhailovsky, Nikolay Konstantinovich
Ryabushkin, Andrey Petrovich
Zasodimsky, Pavel Vladimirovich

Topographical landmarks/Bolotnitsa River, the
Topographical landmarks/Chagoda River, the
Topographical landmarks/Chudlya River, the
Topographical landmarks/Dobrokha River, the
Topographical landmarks/Korodynka River, the
Topographical landmarks/Kusinka River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Lyuban Town
Topographical landmarks/Menevsha River, the
Neighbouring Territories/Novgorod Oblast, the
Topographical landmarks/Peresterzha River, the
Topographical landmarks/Posolka River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Ramtsi Village
Topographical landmarks/Ravan River, the
Topographical landmarks/Smerdynka River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District
Topographical landmarks/Tverezna River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District/Uzvoz Settlement
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Land/Vodskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located between rivers the Luga and the Volkhov and on the shores of Ladoga Lake)
Topographical landmarks/Volkhov River, the

Измайлов А.Ф. Любань. Л., 1979., С.14-15, 18-26
Ильина Л.Л., Грахов А.Н. Бесценное богатство: Рассказ о реках и озерах Ленинградской области. Л., 1978, С. 53, 70, 137, 139;
Неофициальный сайт города Любань. URL:, С. 53, 70, 137, 139;