Articles / Kolmogorov, Aleksandr Ivanovich (1870-1822), a scientist

Kolmogorov, Aleksandr Ivanovich (1870-1822), a scientist

Subject / Local studies/Personnel

Kolmogorov, Aleksandr Ivanovich (1870-1822), an archaeologist, ethnographer, anthropologist, full member of the Society of Natural History, Archaeology and Ethnography Lovers (1906), Master of Geography and Ethnography (1908), professor (1918). Kolmogorov finished the Natural History department of the Physical and Mathematical Faculty of the Moscow University in 1904, he was a learner of the academician D.N. Anuchin. From 1908 Kolmogorov worked as a teacher of Geography and Anthropology department, from 1919 he worked as a teacher of the Anthropology department of the Moscow State University. Also Kolmogorv taught at the Nabilkovsky Commercial and Nikolayev Women's Commercial Schools. From 1905 till 1916 Kolmogorov studied the everyday life and culture of Vepses (Chukhars) and Russian population on the territory of the Novgorod Gubernia Tikhvin uyezd and the Olonets Gubernia Lodeynoye Pole uyezd (modern eastern districts of the Leningrad Oblast). Kolmogorov researched the hydrography, landscape, communication ways of the Veps ethnic neighbourhood, he took part in the archaeological dig. So he collected the great material on anthropology, ethnography, folklore, language and demography of Vepses. A small part of the material was published in the scientific periodicals ("Zemlevedeniye" ("Physical Geography", "Russky Antropologichesky Zhurnal" ("The Russian Anthropology Magazine")) and collections. In 1906Kolmogorov was awarded a silver medal of the Society of Natural History, Archaeology and Ethnography Lovers for his studies. By 1918 Kolmogorov had prepared the scientific work "Vepsi, opit monografii narodnosti" ("Vepses, the Experience of the Monograph of the Nationality") which was no published; later on the monograph was lost.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Anuchin, Dmitry Nikolayevich
Kolmogorov, Aleksandr Ivanovich

Historical Toponyms/Olonets Gubernia (Province)/Lodeynoye Pole Uyezd
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd

Анучин Д.Н. Памяти А.И. Колмогорова // Русский Антропологический журнал. 1923. Т. 12, кн. 3-4., С. 77-78
Равдоникас В.И. Чухари // Тихвинский край. Краеведческий сборник по Тихвинскому уезду. Тихвин, 1926., С. 242-243

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