Articles / "V.I. Lenin House", a museum (Vyborg Town)

"V.I. Lenin House", a museum (Vyborg Town)

Subject / Museums

The V.I. Lenin House-museum (Vyborg Town, 15 Rubezhnaya Street) was founded in June 1958 as a branch of the V.I. Lenin Central Museum. The loghouse in the former village of Talikkala (a southern suburb of Vyborg Town), where V.I. Lenin lived from 24 September till 7 October 1917, belonged to the family of the worker Tuomas Haikonen. His son-in-law Yuho Latukka, a Finnish Social Democrat and journalist, gave his room to the guest. There V.I. Lenin has written his works: "Krizis nazrel" ("The Crisis Was Brewing"), "uderzhat li Bolsheviki gosudarstvennuyu vlast" ("Will the Bolsheviks Hold the State Power?"), "Zadachi nashey partii v Internatsionale (po povodu III Tsimmervaldskoy konferentsii)" ("Aims of Our Party in the International (Comintern) (on the occasion of the Third Zimmervald Conference)", "K peresmotru partiynoy programmi" ("For the Revision of the Party Plarform") and others. During 1971-1972 the house was restored and got the view of 1917. The Finnish Communist Party veteran Hildur Haarala (nee Haikonen) helped to restore the historical decoration inside the house.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Haarala (nee Haikonen), Hildur
Haikonen, Tuomas
Latukka, Ukho
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (the real name was Ulyanov)

Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town/Rubezhnaya Street
Historical Toponyms/Talikkala Settlement

Ленинградская область: Исторический очерк. Л. 1986., С.160-169.
Комлева А.А. Ленин в Выборге // Страницы выборгской истории: Сб. статей. Кн. 2-я. СПб., 2004., С. 163-169.

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