Articles / Meleksa, village

Meleksa, village

Subject / Topography/Villages

MELEKSA, a village in Volkhov District. Population: 24. Located on the right bank of the Syas River. The name is of a Baltic Finnish origin. There is no information as to the date of its emergence. In the late 19th and early 20th century, carpenters and joiners from M. were famous in the neighborhood. Furniture made by them has been retained in some dwelling places up to this day. The Meleksa Rapids on the Syas River are near the village. Close to M. is the worshipped spring named “Svyatoye Ozyorochko”, or “Holly Little Lake”; its water is believed to be wholesome. A square curb box is provided around the spring. A chapel of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan was built on the local graveyard in 1996. There is a legend about a church that once existed in the place of the spring and fell underground.

S. B. Yegorov

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Topographical landmarks/Meleksky Rapids
Topographical landmarks/Syas River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District

Егоров С.Б. Особенности традиционной культуры и этнокультурная ситуация в Южном Приладожье и в бассейне реки Сясь // Этнографическое изучение Северо-Запада России (итоги полевых исследований 1998 г. в Ленинградской, Псковской и Новгородской областях). III Межведомственная научная конференция аспирантов и студентов (Краткое содержание докладов). СПб., 1998., С.7-8
Деревенские святыни северо-запада России. URL:, С.7-8