Articles / Kyoppen, Pyotr Ivanovich (1793-1864), a scholar

Kyoppen, Pyotr Ivanovich (1793-1864), a scholar

Subject / Ethnic culture/Personnel

Pyotr Ivanovich Kyoppen (Köppen) (1793-1864) was a statistician, historian. He was a corresponding member of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Science (1826), a junior scientific assistant (1837), an academician (extraordinary - 1839, ordinary - 1843). In the period from 1814 to 1822 he worked as an official of the post department in Saint Petersburg. Form 1822 to 24 he made a tour of the Slavs' lands at the expense of the patron, count N.P.Rumyantsev. He was a Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Tübingen (1826). He took up different posts in the Ministry of the Interior, the 5th department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancery, the Ministry of State Property. He was an author of some works on history, geography, ethnography of the Crimea. He was one of the initiators of making the Russian Geographical Society in 1845, the administartion of statistics department (1845- 47). In 1846 he worked out the plan for making ethnographical maps of Russia. According to official statistics and information collected by him during his trips through village parishes he published "Etnograficheskaya karta Peterburgskoy gubernii" in 1849 ("The Ethnographical Map Of the Saint Petersburg Gubernia") (in German). This map is a very important document about settling Finnish speaking communities in the middle of the 19th century (it's the only one where the territories of such ethnic groups as the Savakot, the Evremeiset (Ayramoiset) are marked). He was an author of the study about the Votes, Izhora, Petersburg Germans. In 1851 "Etnograficheskaya karta Yevropeiskoy Rossii" ("The Ethnographical Map of European Russia") was published under the editorship of Kyoppen (it was republished in 1852, 1855). He was an initiator of publishing the series "Spiski naselyonnykh mest Yevropeiskoy Rossii" ("The Lists of Population Settlments od European Russia"); the first book of the series "Goroda i poselenia Tulskoy gubernii v 1857" ("Towns and Settlments of the Tula Gubernia in 1857") was published in 1858 under the editorship of Kyoppen.

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Keppen, Pyotr Ivanovich
Rumyantsev, Nikolay Petrovich, Count

Кеппен Ф.П. Биография П. И. Кеппена // Сборник Отделения русского языка и словесности императорской Академии наук.- СПб., 1911.- Т. 89.- N 5., С.1-170
Сухова Н.Г. Петр Иванович Кеппен как географ // Известия РГО. 1993. Т. 125. Вып. 5., С.1-11
Сухова Н.Г., Красникова О.А. К биографии П.И. Кеппена (1793-1864) // Деятели русской науки XIX – ХХ веков. СПб., 2000., С.31-61

Subject Index
Izhora (Izhora men)