Articles / Zosima (Verkhovsky) (1767-1838), Saint, clergy figure

Zosima (Verkhovsky) (1767-1838), Saint, clergy figure

Subject / Religion. Church/Personnel

Zosima (Zakhary Vasilyevich Verkhovsky, 1767-1838), the Venerable. Zakhary Vasilyevich Verkhovsky served in the Life Guards. In 1786 Verkhovsky left his estate, went to Bryansk forests to the scete of the elder hieromonk Adrian (Blinsky) where he made the acquaintance with the monk Vasilisk (Gavrilov) who became his spiritual father. In 1786 Zosima was admitted into brethern of the Konevets Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God. In the monastery he served as a sexton and soon he was professed as a monk. Then he with Father Vasilisk settled in a secluded hermitage where he bound and re-write books. In 1800 Zosima and Father Vasilisk went to the Siberia with the blessing of the superior Venerable Adrian in search of the appropriate place for the hermitage life and settled in a forest not far from the town of Kuznetsk where they were living for 24 years in seclusion. In 1826 he founded the small Holy Trinity Convent of the Virgin the Hodigitria in the Vereysk uyezd of the Moscow Oblast. Zisima was canonized on 23 July 2000. Zosima is the most probable prototype of the elder Zosima in F.M. Dostoyevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov".

Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich

Adrian (Blinsky)
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhaylovich
Vasilisk (Gavrilov), St.
Zosima ( Z.V. Verkhovsky), St.

Андрианов А.Ю. Скитская и монастырская жизнь первой трети XIX в. в трудах отца Зосимы (Верховского) // Православие и русская народная культура. Кн. 2. М., 1993., С.45-91
Берташ А.В., Арсений, иеромонах. Шесть столетий Рождество-Богородичного Коневского монастыря. Коневский монастырь; СПб., 1993., С.45-91
Вера (Верховская), игум. Старец Зосима Верховский. М., 1994., С.45-91