Bibliography / Даринский А.В. География Ленинградской области. СПб., 1996.

Даринский А.В. География Ленинградской области. СПб., 1996.

Subject / Topography/Administrative - territorial division

Mentioned in articles:

Leningrad Oblast, the
LENINGRAD OBLAST, subject territory of RF. Area: 83,900 sq. Km (max. Extension from west to east: 446 km, north to south: 325 km.) Population (as of 2002): 1,669,000. The Oblast borders Pskov and Novgorod Oblasts in the south, Vologda Oblast in the... more

Population. According to the census of 2002 in the Leningrad Oblast there were 1669,205 thousand people; according to the estimate made on 1 July 2005 there were 1647,6 thousand people including the town dwellers numbering 1093,9 thousand people... more