Казнаков В. Исторический очерк Ладожских каналов Старого и Нового. СПб., 1873.
Dubno, village
DUBNO, a village in Volkhov District. Population: 38. It is located 18 km away from Novaya Ladoga town, to which D. is subordinated administratively. It is located on the Staroladozhsky and Novoladozhsky Canals at the southern coast of Lake Ladoga.... more
Ladoga Canals, the
LADOGA CANALS. They connect the mouth of the Volkhov River and the head of the Neva, extending along the south coast of Lake Ladoga. There are two canals, Staroladozhsky and Novoladozhsky. The canal construction was urged by the necessity to have a... more