Bibliography / Гильди Л.А. Судьба «социально-опасного» народа. (Засекреченный геноцид финнов в России и его последствия. 1930-2002 гг.). СПб., 2003

Гильди Л.А. Судьба «социально-опасного» народа. (Засекреченный геноцид финнов в России и его последствия. 1930-2002 гг.). СПб., 2003

Subject / Ethnic culture

Mentioned in articles:

Ethnic deportations
Ethnic deportations are forced resettlement carried out according to an ethnic signs. In 1935-36 in the Leningrad Oblast there were some activities on purging the zone of land with 22 kilometres wide at the border with Finland "from kulak and... more

Finns of Ingermanlandia
Finns of Ingermanlandia (Finns-Inkeri, Finns of Leningrad; old use - Chukhonets, Maimists; their own native names - Soumalaiset, Inkerin Suomolaiset) are an ethnic community. They speak local accents of the eastern dialects (the Baltic-Finnic... more