Persons / Bloks, the

Bloks, the


Mentioned in articles:

The Church of the Archangel Michael (Udosolovo Village, Kingisepp District)
The Church of the Archangel Michael (Udosolovo Village, the Kingisepp District). In Kargalsky Nikolsky Pogost the first wooden church had been until 1500. It was renewed in 1729 and during 1758-1761. The new brick and rubble slab church was built... more

Velkota, village
VELKOTA, a village in Kingisepp District. Population: 47. In the environs of V., on a part of an Ordovician limestone table land, there is the “Velkota Village Groves” State integrated natural reserve (area: 375 hectares) preserving oak, elm, and... more