Geographical Index / Historical Toponyms / Novgorod Land

Novgorod Land

Group name
Historical Toponyms

Bezhetskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located between the Msta River and tributaries of the Volga River)
Derevskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located between rivers the Msta and the Lovat)
Obonezhskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located on the shores of White Sea, Ladoga and Onega lakes )
Shelonskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located along the Shelon River, between rivers the Luga and Lovat)
Vodskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located between rivers the Luga and the Volkhov and on the shores of Ladoga Lake)