Bibliography / Финны в Европе. VI-XV века. Прибалтийско-финнские народы. Историко-археологические исследования. Вып. 2. М. 1990

Финны в Европе. VI-XV века. Прибалтийско-финнские народы. Историко-археологические исследования. Вып. 2. М. 1990

Subject / Relics

Mentioned in articles:
Archeological  relics of the Vod land. Map-scheme
Archeological relics of the Vod land. Map-scheme
Burial mounds  of the  south  places  near  Lake Ladoga
Burial mounds of the south places near Lake Ladoga
Decorations from the destroyed burial ground  near Mishkino Village (tosno district)
Decorations from the destroyed burial ground near Mishkino Village (tosno district)
Things of the woman metal decoration from the graves of the burial ground of Valgovitsky
Things of the woman metal decoration from the graves of the burial ground of Valgovitsky
Typical decorations of the Karelian medievial woman costume
Typical decorations of the Karelian medievial woman costume