Bibliography / Храм во имя Святой Живоначальной Троицы в г. Всеволожске. 1904-2004. Всеволожск, 2004.

Храм во имя Святой Живоначальной Троицы в г. Всеволожске. 1904-2004. Всеволожск, 2004.

Subject / Religion. Church/Orthodox churches

Mentioned in articles:

The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town)
The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town, 64 Vsevolozhsky Prodpect ). In 1903-1904 the wooden chapel was built in the Ryabovo Station of the Irinovskaya Railway using the money of parishioners (architect V.D. Nikolya). In 1905 it... more